Resolving the #1109 Error: Unknown Table ’employee’ in Field List
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Resolving the #1109 Error: Unknown Table ’employee’ in Field List

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The #1109 error is a common MySQL error that occurs when the database engine encounters an unknown table or column in the query. In this article, we will provide a solution to the specific error “#1109 – Unknown table ’employee’ in field list”.

Understanding the Error

The #1109 error typically occurs when you are trying to query a column from a table that does not exist or is not properly referenced. This can happen due to a variety of reasons such as:

  • Typo in the table or column name
  • Table or column does not exist in the database
  • Improper joining of tables
  • Incorrect database selection

Solution to the Error

To resolve the #1109 error, follow these steps:

  1. Check the table name and column name for any typos. Make sure they exist in the database and are correctly referenced in the query.
  2. If the table or column does not exist, create it or modify the query to use an existing table or column.
  3. Verify that the correct database is selected. Use the “USE” statement to select the correct database before executing the query.
  4. Check the joining of tables. Make sure the tables are properly joined using the correct join types and conditions.
  5. Use the “DESCRIBE” statement to verify the structure of the table and identify any issues with the column names or data types.

Example Solution

Let’s consider an example where we want to query the “employee” table to retrieve the “employee_name” and “employee_salary” columns.

The incorrect query that raises the #1109 error:

SELECT employee_name, employee_salary FROM orders;

The correct query that resolves the error:

SELECT e.employee_name, e.employee_salary 
FROM employee e;

In this example, we corrected the query by selecting the correct table “employee” and aliasing it as “e”. We then referenced the columns “employee_name” and “employee_salary” using the alias “e”.


The #1109 error is a common MySQL error that can be easily resolved by verifying the table and column names, selecting the correct database, and properly joining tables. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can quickly identify and resolve the issue, ensuring that your database queries execute successfully.

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the frustrating “#1109 – Unknown table ’employee’ in field list” error? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot and solve this issue:

What is the “#1109 – Unknown table ’employee’ in field list” error?

The “#1109 – Unknown table ’employee’ in field list” error occurs when the SQL query refers to a table or column that doesn’t exist in the database. This can happen when the table or column is misspelled, or the database schema has changed, or the query is trying to access a table that is not available in the current database.

How do I identify the cause of the “#1109 – Unknown table ’employee’ in field list” error?

To identify the cause, review your SQL query and check if the table or column names are correct. Verify that the table ’employee’ exists in the database and the column is available in that table. Also, check if there are any typo or syntax errors in the query.

How do I fix the “#1109 – Unknown table ’employee’ in field list” error?

To fix the error, correct the table or column name in the SQL query to match the actual name in the database. If the table or column doesn’t exist, create it or modify the query to use an existing table or column. Also, ensure that the database user has the necessary permissions to access the table.

Can I use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database to troubleshoot the error?

Yes, you can use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database to troubleshoot the error. This database provides metadata about the database, including table and column information. You can query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database to verify if the table or column exists and to get more information about the database schema.

What if I’m still stuck with the “#1109 – Unknown table ’employee’ in field list” error?

If you’re still stuck, try to break down the query into smaller parts and test each part separately. Also, check the database logs for any error messages or warnings that can help you identify the issue. You can also seek help from a database administrator or a developer who is familiar with the database schema.