Micrometer Metric Max Equals Zero: Unraveling the Mystery
Image by Steffenie - hkhazo.biz.id

Micrometer Metric Max Equals Zero: Unraveling the Mystery

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Are you struggling to make sense of the Micrometer metric max equaling zero when the sum is higher than zero? You’re not alone! This peculiar phenomenon has left many developers and engineers scratching their heads. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive deep into the world of Micrometer metrics and uncover the truth behind this enigmatic behavior.

What is Micrometer?

Micrometer is a popular open-source metrics library used to instrument and monitor applications. It provides a simple, yet powerful way to collect and report metrics, allowing developers to gain valuable insights into their application’s performance and behavior. With Micrometer, you can measure anything from request latency and error rates to database query performance and cache hit ratios.

Micrometer Metric Types

Micrometer supports various metric types, including:

  • Counter: A increment-only metric that measures the number of events or occurrences.
  • Gauge: A metric that reports a single value, such as the current temperature or the number of active connections.
  • Timer: A metric that measures the time it takes for an operation to complete.
  • DistributionSummary: A metric that provides a summary of the distribution of values, such as the mean, median, and percentiles.

The Mysterious Case of Max Equals Zero

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter: why does the Micrometer metric max equal zero when the sum is higher than zero? To understand this phenomenon, we need to delve into the world of Micrometer’s internal machinery.

// Example Micrometer metric declaration
MeterRegistry registry = new MeterRegistry();
Counter counter = registry.counter("my.counter");
counter.increment(10); // increment the counter by 10

In the example above, we’ve declared a Counter metric and incremented it by 10. You’d expect the max value to be 10, right? Wrong! In this scenario, the max value would actually be 0. But why?

The Aggregation Conundrum

The reason behind this seemingly illogical behavior lies in the way Micrometer aggregates metrics. By default, Micrometer uses a DistributionSummary to aggregate metrics, which is essentially a summary of the distribution of values. When you increment a counter, Micrometer calculates the distribution summary of the new value and the previously reported values.

// Internal Micrometer logic
DistributionSummary distributionSummary = new DistributionSummary();
distributionSummary.record(10); // record the new value
distributionSummary.max(); // returns 0, not 10!

As you can see, the DistributionSummary instance records the new value (10) and then returns 0 as the max value. This might seem counterintuitive, but bear with me!

The Role of Quantiles

In Micrometer, quantiles play a crucial role in calculating the distribution summary. A quantile is a value that divides the distribution of values into equal parts. For example, the 75th percentile (or Q3) is the value below which 75% of the data points fall.

// Quantile calculation
double[] quantiles = { 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 };
DistributionSummary distributionSummary = new DistributionSummary();
distributionSummary.quantiles(quantiles); // returns [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0]

In this example, we’ve calculated the quantiles for the distribution of values (in this case, just a single value, 10). The resulting quantile array shows that the max value (Q1, or 100th percentile) is indeed 10.

The Zero Max Enigma Solved

Now, let’s revisit the original mystery. Why does the Micrometer metric max equal zero when the sum is higher than zero? It’s because the DistributionSummary aggregation is calculating the quantiles, and the max value is only updated when the new value exceeds the previous max value. Since the previous max value was 0 (the initial value), the new max value remains 0, even though the sum is higher than zero.

// Micrometer internal logic
DistributionSummary distributionSummary = new DistributionSummary();
distributionSummary.record(10); // record the new value
distributionSummary.max(); // returns 0, not 10!
distributionSummary.sum(); // returns 10, not 0!

As you can see, the max value is stuck at 0, while the sum accurately reflects the increment of 10.

Practical Implications and Workarounds

So, how do you work around this limitation? Here are some practical implications and solutions:

  • Use the sum metric instead: If you’re interested in the total sum of values, use the sum metric instead of max.
  • Implement a custom aggregator: If you need a custom aggregation strategy, you can implement your own aggregator by extending the DistributionSummary class.
  • Use a different metric type: Depending on your use case, you might want to use a different metric type, such as a Gauge, which reports a single value.


In conclusion, the Micrometer metric max equaling zero when the sum is higher than zero is not a bug, but rather a consequence of the default aggregation strategy used by Micrometer. By understanding the internal mechanics of Micrometer’s aggregation and quantile calculation, you can make informed decisions about which metrics to use and how to work around this limitation.

Remember, when working with Micrometer, it’s essential to consider the aggregation strategy and metric type to ensure that your metrics accurately reflect the performance and behavior of your application.

Metric Type Description
Counter A increment-only metric that measures the number of events or occurrences.
Gauge A metric that reports a single value, such as the current temperature or the number of active connections.
Timer A metric that measures the time it takes for an operation to complete.
DistributionSummary A metric that provides a summary of the distribution of values, such as the mean, median, and percentiles.

By mastering Micrometer metrics and aggregation strategies, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking valuable insights into your application’s performance and behavior.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the scoop on micrometers and metrics!

What’s the deal with micrometer metrics maxing out at zero when the sum is higher than zero?

This phenomenon might seem counterintuitive, but it’s actually a clever design choice. By setting the max value to zero when the sum is higher, the micrometer is preventing inaccurate readings. Think of it like a safeguard against overflow errors!

But why would the sum be higher than zero if the max is zero?

Excellent follow-up question! This typically happens when there are multiple data points being measured, and some of them have negative values. When you sum these values, the total can be higher than zero, even if the maximum individual value is zero. It’s like having a mix of positive and negative numbers in a math problem – the sum can still be positive even if one of the numbers is zero!

Is this a common issue with micrometers, or is it specific to certain models?

This behavior is actually a design choice that can be found in various micrometer models, not just specific ones. It’s a deliberate decision made by manufacturers to prioritize accuracy over raw data. So, whether you’re working with precision machinery or scientific instruments, you might encounter this phenomenon!

Can I adjust the micrometer to ignore this max-zero-for-higher-sum rule?

Sorry to disappoint, but typically, no, you can’t adjust the micrometer to bypass this rule. It’s a built-in mechanism designed to ensure accurate readings. However, if you’re working with a software-based micrometer or a digital measurement tool, you might be able to customize the settings or use a different measurement mode to get the desired output. Consult your user manual or manufacturer’s guidelines for more information!

What are some real-world scenarios where this micrometer behavior would be important to understand?

Ah-ha! This is crucial in various fields, such as quality control, materials science, and precision engineering. Imagine you’re measuring the thickness of a material or the diameter of a wire – accuracy is paramount! In these scenarios, understanding how the micrometer handles max values and sums can help you avoid errors, ensure consistency, and make informed decisions about your project.