Unleashing the Power of Classic ASP URL Rewrite: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Steffenie - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of Classic ASP URL Rewrite: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with ugly URLs in your Classic ASP application? Do you want to improve your website’s SEO and make it more user-friendly? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the world of Classic ASP URL rewrite and show you how to unleash its full potential. Buckle up and get ready to transform your website’s URL structure!

What is URL Rewrite?

URL rewrite is a technique that allows you to modify the URL of your website’s pages without affecting the actual file location or structure. This can be useful for improving search engine optimization (SEO), making URLs more readable and user-friendly, and even enhancing website security. In Classic ASP, URL rewrite is achieved through the use of rewrite rules, which are applied to the URL request.

Why Use URL Rewrite in Classic ASP?

There are several compelling reasons to use URL rewrite in your Classic ASP application:

  • Improved SEO: Search engines prefer clean and descriptive URLs, which can improve your website’s ranking and visibility.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Readable and concise URLs make it easier for users to understand the content of your website and navigate through it.
  • By hiding the actual file extension and structure, you can reduce the risk of hacking and unauthorized access.
  • Better Organization: URL rewrite allows you to organize your website’s content in a more logical and structured way, making it easier to maintain and update.

How to Implement URL Rewrite in Classic ASP

Implementing URL rewrite in Classic ASP involves two main steps: creating rewrite rules and configuring IIS to use them. Let’s dive into the details!

Step 1: Creating Rewrite Rules

Rewrite rules are the backbone of URL rewrite. They define how the URL should be modified and what pattern should be matched. In Classic ASP, you can create rewrite rules using the following syntax:


Let’s break it down:

  • <rewrite>: This is the root element of the rewrite rule.
  • <rule>: This defines a single rewrite rule.
  • <pattern>: This specifies the pattern to match in the original URL.
  • <rewrite>: This specifies the new URL pattern to rewrite to.

Step 2: Configuring IIS to Use Rewrite Rules

Once you’ve created your rewrite rules, you need to configure IIS to use them. This involves adding a custom HTTP module to your website’s configuration. Here’s how:

  1. Open the IIS Manager and select your website.
  2. In the Features View, double-click “Modules” under the IIS section.
  3. Click “Add a native module” and enter the following details:
    • Name: ASP Rewrite
    • Module: RewriteModule.dll (download and install the rewrite module)
  4. Click “OK” to add the module.
  5. In the website’s web.config file, add the following code:
                        <add name="RewriteModule" type="RewriteModule" />

Examples of URL Rewrite in Classic ASP

Now that you’ve learned how to implement URL rewrite in Classic ASP, let’s explore some practical examples:

Example 1: Rewriting a Simple URL

Suppose you want to rewrite the URL “product.asp?id=123” to “product/123”. Here’s the rewrite rule:


Example 2: Rewriting a URL with Multiple Parameters

Let’s say you want to rewrite the URL “category.asp?catid=123&subcatid=456” to “category/123/456”. Here’s the rewrite rule:


Example 3: Rewriting a URL with a Query String

Suppose you want to rewrite the URL “search.asp?q=keyword” to “search/keyword”. Here’s the rewrite rule:


Best Practices for URL Rewrite in Classic ASP

When implementing URL rewrite in Classic ASP, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Keep it Simple: Avoid complex rewrite rules that are hard to debug and maintain.
  • Use Capture Groups: Use capture groups to extract specific parts of the URL and reuse them in the rewritten URL.
  • Avoid Rewriting Everything: Only rewrite URLs that need to be changed, and leave the rest alone.
  • Test Thoroughly: Test your rewrite rules thoroughly to ensure they’re working as expected.
  • Document Your Rules: Document your rewrite rules and keep track of changes to ensure easy maintenance.

Common Issues and Solutions

When implementing URL rewrite in Classic ASP, you may encounter some common issues. Here are some solutions:

Issue Solution
URL rewrite not working Check the rewrite rule syntax and ensure the module is installed correctly.
URL rewriting causing loop Check the rewrite rule pattern to ensure it’s not matching the rewritten URL.
URL rewrite causing 404 errors Check the rewritten URL to ensure it exists and is properly configured.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of Classic ASP URL rewrite and shown you how to unleash its full potential. By following the steps and examples outlined in this article, you can improve your website’s SEO, enhance the user experience, and increase security. Remember to keep it simple, test thoroughly, and document your rewrite rules for easy maintenance. Happy rewriting!

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Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mysteries of Classic ASP URL Rewrite! Here are the most frequently asked questions and their answers to get you started.

What is Classic ASP URL Rewrite, and why do I need it?

Classic ASP URL Rewrite is a technique used to manipulate URLs to make them more search engine friendly, memorizable, and easy to read. You need it to improve your website’s SEO, make your URLs more readable, and enhance user experience.

How does Classic ASP URL Rewrite work?

Classic ASP URL Rewrite works by using an .htaccess file or a web.config file to define rules that rewrite URLs. These rules can be used to redirect users to a new URL, block access to certain pages, or rewrite dynamic URLs to static ones.

What is the difference between URL Rewrite and URL Redirect?

URL Rewrite and URL Redirect are often confused with each other. URL Redirect tells the browser to redirect to a new URL, whereas URL Rewrite rewrites the URL on the server-side without the browser’s knowledge. Rewrite is more efficient and doesn’t affect the user’s experience.

Can I use Classic ASP URL Rewrite on an IIS server?

Yes, you can use Classic ASP URL Rewrite on an IIS server. In fact, IIS provides a built-in URL Rewrite module that can be used to rewrite URLs. You can also use third-party libraries and modules to achieve URL Rewrite on IIS.

How do I troubleshoot issues with Classic ASP URL Rewrite?

To troubleshoot issues with Classic ASP URL Rewrite, you can use tools like Fiddler, URL Rewrite’s built-in debugging features, or log files to identify the problem. You can also test your rewrite rules in a staging environment before deploying them to production.

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