More than three d3 Charts on HTML Page is not showing? Here’s the solution!
Image by Steffenie -

More than three d3 Charts on HTML Page is not showing? Here’s the solution!

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Are you having trouble displaying more than three d3 charts on a single HTML page? You’re not alone! Many developers have faced this issue, and it’s not because of the complexity of d3.js itself, but rather due to the way we structure our HTML and JavaScript code. In this article, we’ll dive into the common pitfalls and provide a step-by-step guide to overcoming this hurdle.

Understanding the Problem

When we create multiple d3 charts on a single page, we often create separate svg elements for each chart. This approach works fine for a small number of charts, but when we try to add more than three charts, the fourth chart (and subsequent ones) refuses to show up. This leaves us scratching our heads, wondering what’s going on.

The Culprit: SVG Elements and the Browser’s Rendering Limit

The issue lies in the way browsers render SVG elements. Most modern browsers have a limit on the number of SVG elements they can render simultaneously. When we create multiple d3 charts, each chart is wrapped in a separate SVG element. If we exceed this limit, the browser simply refuses to render the excess SVG elements, making our charts disappear.

The Solution: Grouping Charts and Using a Single SVG Element

To overcome this limitation, we need to rethink our approach. Instead of creating separate SVG elements for each chart, we can group our charts together and use a single SVG element to render all of them. This way, we can sidestep the browser’s rendering limit and display as many charts as we need.

Step 1: Create a Container Element

First, create a container element that will hold all our charts. This can be a simple div element with a unique ID:

<div id="chart-container"></div>

Step 2: Create a Single SVG Element

Next, create a single SVG element within the container element. This SVG element will be used to render all our charts:

<div id="chart-container">
  <svg id="chart-svg" width="100%" height="100%"></svg>

Step 3: Group Charts Together

Now, let’s create our charts and group them together using a wrapper element. For example, if we have three charts, our HTML structure might look like this:

<div id="chart-container">
  <svg id="chart-svg" width="100%" height="100%">
    <g id="chart-group">
      <!-- Chart 1 -->
      <g id="chart-1" transform="translate(50, 50)"></g>
      <!-- Chart 2 -->
      <g id="chart-2" transform="translate(200, 50)"></g>
      <!-- Chart 3 -->
      <g id="chart-3" transform="translate(350, 50)"></g>

Step 4: Update d3.js Code

In our d3.js code, we need to update the selection and append methods to target the correct chart group element. For example:

var chart1 ="#chart-1")
  .attr("width", 100)
  .attr("height", 100)
  .attr("fill", "steelblue");

var chart2 ="#chart-2")
  .attr("width", 100)
  .attr("height", 100)
  .attr("fill", "red");

var chart3 ="#chart-3")
  .attr("width", 100)
  .attr("height", 100)
  .attr("fill", "green");

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While implementing the solution above, you may encounter some common issues. Here are some tips to help you troubleshoot:

SVG Element Not Rendering

If your SVG element is not rendering, check that you have set the correct width and height attributes. Also, ensure that the SVG element is not hidden or overwritten by other elements.

Charts Not Showing Up

If your charts are not showing up, verify that you have correctly targeted the chart group element in your d3.js code. Also, check that the transform attribute is set correctly for each chart.

Charts Overlapping

If your charts are overlapping, adjust the translate attribute for each chart to position them correctly. You can also use the x and y attributes to fine-tune the chart positions.


By grouping our charts together and using a single SVG element, we can easily display more than three d3 charts on a single HTML page. Remember to update your d3.js code to target the correct chart group element, and troubleshoot any common issues that may arise. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning data visualizations with d3.js!

Additional Resources

For more information on d3.js and SVG, check out these additional resources:

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions related to displaying multiple d3 charts on a single HTML page:

Question Answer
Can I use multiple SVG elements for each chart? No, this approach can lead to the browser’s rendering limit being exceeded, causing charts to disappear.
How do I position multiple charts on the same page? Use the transform attribute to position each chart correctly. You can also use the x and y attributes for fine-tuning.
Can I use a single SVG element for multiple pages? No, a single SVG element should be used per page. If you need to display charts on multiple pages, create a separate SVG element for each page.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to display more than three d3 charts on a single HTML page without any issues. Happy coding!

Here is the HTML code with 5 questions and answers about “More than three D3 charts on an HTML page not showing”:

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble displaying multiple D3 charts on a single HTML page? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why do only three D3 charts show up on my HTML page?

By default, most browsers have a limit on the number of SVG elements that can be rendered on a single page. This limit is usually around 3-4 elements. To display more than three D3 charts, you’ll need to adjust your SVG rendering settings or use a workaround.

How do I increase the SVG rendering limit in my browser?

Unfortunately, there’s no straightforward way to increase the SVG rendering limit in browsers. However, you can try using a different browser or experimenting with browser settings. A more reliable solution is to use a workaround, such as using a single SVG container and dynamically updating the chart data.

What’s a good workaround for displaying multiple D3 charts on a single page?

One popular workaround is to use a single SVG container and dynamically update the chart data using JavaScript. This approach allows you to display multiple charts without hitting the SVG rendering limit. You can also consider using a chart library that supports dynamic chart rendering, such as Chart.js or Highcharts.

Can I use HTML canvas instead of SVG for my D3 charts?

Yes, you can use HTML canvas instead of SVG for your D3 charts. Canvas rendering doesn’t have the same limitations as SVG, so you can display more than three charts on a single page. However, keep in mind that canvas rendering can be slower and less scalable than SVG rendering.

Are there any D3 chart libraries that support displaying multiple charts on a single page?

Yes, there are several D3 chart libraries that support displaying multiple charts on a single page, such as C3.js and NVD3. These libraries provide built-in support for dynamic chart rendering and can help you overcome the SVG rendering limit.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you need any further assistance.